“From the Smarts to the Arts, Developing the Whole Child”
Effective February 25, 2025, registration for our Rocky Mountain Prep - BK "Junior Smarties" Summer Camp will require Registering an ECE-age child (ages 3-5) if a school-age child is also being registered. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

This Registration is for:
NEW FAMILIES to Kids SmART that are
NOT enrolled into 24/25 school year!
580 S Harlan St, Lakewood, CO 80226
Hours: 6:30AM-6:00PM - License Number: 1597255 Ages 5-14yrs
May 29th - August 14th 2025

1) Labeled Water Bottle
2) Meals:
Breakfast /AM Snack: If not fed before camp, send your child with a breakfast/snack. Breakfast Breaks are from 6:30AM-8:00AM. Food Bank of the Rockies w/ Kids SmART offers a free "shelf stable" breakfast, depending on supply. We ask if your child will be eating breakfast with us, please have them in attendance within our service time.
Lunch: Food Bank of the Rockies w/ Kids SmART offers free lunch each day. Meals may be "shelf stable" or "fresh" depending on the food banks supply. We encourage families to send their children with their own SACK lunch.
Personal access to refrigeration and microwaves is unavailable.
PM Snack: Please send your child with an afternoon snack.
Children are prohibited from sharing food. Please let your on-site Director know if your child has allergies or dietary restrictions.
3) Appropriate Attire:
Kids Smart has daily outdoor games and activities. We encourage children to wear comfortable clothing and close-toed shoes. Please review our Weekly Reminders flyer to determine if different attire is needed for our Field Trips or other events.
4) Sunscreen:
Kids SmART applies sunscreen every hour while outside. If you have opted to provide your sunscreen, a labeled sunscreen bottle will be stored on-site and you will be notified by on-site staff if a replacement/refill is needed. If your child is in attendance without their sunscreen, the parent or guardian will be contacted.
Want Kids SmART to supply sunscreen all summer? Please email: admin@kids-smart.com

Weekly Activities
Mon: Water/Swim Day
Tues: Theme Day - Wheels Day! Bring helmets, pads and non-motorized wheels.
Wed: Field trip
Thurs: Theme Day - Edible Craft Day!
Fri: Outreach Day

All families must pre-register, schedule, and pay in order to reserve a spot within our weekly camp.
Full Day camp programs will be offered at the aforementioned sites and will be open to any students within the licensed age range (3-14 or 5-14yrs).
Families must sign up and pay by Wednesday for upcoming weeks, but spots are reserved on a first paid/scheduled basis and spots are not guaranteed. Requirement: 2 days minimum per scheduled week.
Kids SmART does not provide credits or refunds.
CCAP CLIENTS: Are required to submit a weekly schedule in order to save their spot for the day. Monthly Parental Fees are due by the 1st of every month.
Our on-site directors are often occupied with site programming, but they try to answer camp phones periodically throughout the day. Text messaging recommended. If you happen to leave a voicemail, we assure you that we will return your call within 12 hours. However, if you are facing an emergency, please refer to the emergency contact information provided. Thank you for choosing our camp!
Kids SmART Camp is located inside the schools cafeteria. Entrance is thru the main doors.
Kids SmART campers are required to be checked -in and checked- out daily by an authorized parent or guardian. Children are prohibited to enter or leave the program without being accompanied by an authorized adult. ID's are required for those who you have authorized on your child pick up lists. Parent/Guardian will be immediately notified if a individual does not provide ID or shown as authorized pick up person.

Get ready for some fun in the sun! Our Kids Smart swimming field trips are every Monday. Don't forget to send your child with their swimsuit under their daily clothes, a towel, and an additional change of clothes if needed.
Due to the nation's lifeguard shortage, some pools catering to younger non-swimmers may be unavailable, thus limiting lendable life jackets. Kid SmART highly recommends purchasing your child/ren their own life jacket in order to safely participate all day long! Floaties and water wings are not allowed to be worn.
Swimmers Abilities:
Kids SmART Directors will speak to the parents and guardians regarding their child/rens swimming ability before attending the field trip. A child's testimony of their own swimming abilities will not be considered.
Swimming Tests:
Kids SmART Directors are not qualified to provide swimming tests for children to participate in specific pool attractions (slides, rock walls, diving boards). A qualified county lifeguard (if available) will determine if your child's swimming ability allows them to participate in those extra attractions.
Non-Swimmers: Children who cannot swim will receive a red wristband for staff indication. Non-swimmers will only be allowed in areas limited to 1.35 m or have a guarded zero-depth entry. If the pool facilities are not equipped to provide a safe swimming environment for non-swimmers, life jackets must be worn at all times. Floaties/Water wings are not allowed.
Pool Sunscreening/Rest Time: Kids SmART requires children to rest and receive another sunscreen application (outdoor pools) every hour.
Pool Toys: Kids SmART prohibits children from bringing pool toys from home (water guns, pool floats ,etc.)